Fake colour: Simulation of the effect of four-colour process printings by manual or electronic modification of black-and-white originals. 假冒色:用人工或电子把黑白原稿设色,使它具有四色彩印的效果。
Four-colour process: Colour printing with the three subtractive primary colours ( yellow, magenta, cyan) plus black. Also called Full colour printing, Process colour printing. 四色彩印:用三个减色法原色(黄、洋红、青蓝)加上黑色的彩色印刷。
Colour bars: Narrow strips on the back edge of the sheet in four-colour process printing showing densities or evenness of ink across a sheet. 色带:四色彩印时,放在纸尾的窄长条纹。它显示横过纸面的油墨密度或均匀性。
It is used in four-colour process printing. 是四色彩印所用的颜色。
Magenta: One of the subtractive primary colours. It is used in four-colour process printing. Also referred to as Process red. 洋红:减法原色之一。是四色彩印所用的颜色。亦称四色红。